i went to pay for him, and assistance was needed to spirit him to the front of the store. the kink in the plan? i had not brought the minivan, but had instead tried to conserve both gas and mileage by taking the little sedan. no way was my new friend going to fit in the car. not to be discouraged, i had them place a hold tag on him, with the promise that i would return in the minivan later.
i raced through target, raced home only a mere half-hour away, then jumped in the van in the hopes i could get there and back again in time to get the kids off the bus. in record time i got there, paid, and hoisted my man into the minivan. several people stopped & rolled down their windows in the parking lot. "is the knight INCLUDED with the shining armor?" one woman asked.
who could resist dragging him to the end of the driveway to meet the kids at the bus? it was fun to see their faces as they got off the bus to see our new family mascot waiting for them. we decided that he could live on the front porch for now to herald all visitors. our dilemma now is what to name him? any suggestions are welcome, as long as the name begins with "sir."
here he is, in all his splendor, on our front porch.
postscript: what do you think of the name sir ferrous oxidable?
Life is pretty interesting at your house. I can't imagine riding the bus home and seeing my mom standing beside a 6-ft knight on the lane. What a hoot!
How cool is that! He is soo pretty and shiny. I didn't see anything like that at our TJ Maxx.
Love your blog... thanks for stopping by at mine.... and as for your knight in shining armor... I say "Sir Target" but pronounced "Tar-jay". (It sounds better than "Sir TJ Max") I'll think on it some more....
OMG! I love it!
What did the kids say????
WOW!!! Kids would love that stuff? Me ? I would freak out if I saw that on a porch at night. I am such a wimp!!
Darn you! I want one! He would have matched so well with my gargoyles. The memories he'll create make his price tag a steal. I must have been in a daze to miss that at the bus stop!
That's an amazing knight you got there guarding your house. That noble knight will keep burglars and hoodlums at bay.
Looks cool!
A name? What about Sir Perceval? (Also known in Welsh literature as Peredur) He was one of the knights of the round table and participated in the grail quest. You can find some information on him on Wikipedia. The story of Perceval was later used in the opera 'Parsifal' by Richard Wagner and you can find it in a poem written by T.S. Eliot.
I absolutely LOVE your knight, I am sure H and S are totally in awe of their mom for such a super find!
I was thinking you were insane, until I saw the pictures. I think I would have had to get him, too, and I suspect I will have to peruse our local TJ maxx in the near future...
We are trying to move, but there's no reason he can't go in the storage space until after we sell, is there?
I was at some store today where the halloween stuff was already ON SALE. What? Is it time for Thanksgiving, or will they skip that entirely in favor of Christmas?
I've read the books, but I think I'd still name him, "Sir Mix-a-Lot". :)
He's fantastic! Love the TJ Maxx. And they've had halloween stuff at ours for at least a month now. And now that it's after labor day...you know what that means...I'm not gonna say it out loud.
Oh my, he is such a "Gallant" looking knight in shining armour, you simply must call him "Sir Galahad".
What a great looking bloke. I think the name fits him well!
booklogged-- always trying to make things interesting for the kids!
gmcm-- never know what you'll find... or not find...
ruth-- tar-ZHAY! excellent suggestion.
lainey-- they were laughing, and the kids were hollering out the bus windows.
mrsmogul-- you're moving back to nyc and you're scared of a tin can? :)
beth-- you were perched cozily on your shaded bench.
hypnos-- percival rocks. i always think of lord of the flies when i hear that name as well.
lotus-- my kids are pretty used to me bringing home strange bargains at this point!
j-- he could guard all your stuff in storage! i got him at the tjmaxx homegoods store if you have one of those.
autumn's mom-- over a month?? seriously?? thanks for not uttering the other word. i'm not ready yet.
hollydolly-- gallant galahad! good one!
ml-- as yet, he is not named. it may take a while!
Oh, fun! My former roommate had one of those in her house's foyer, right inside the front door, and she would dress him up for whatever holiday/time of year it was!
ahh i love your knight.... and as luck would have it my son just bought me the same knight for my birthday. i also love strange and different things. my sir noble is standing proudly in my front foyer to greet all my visitors also.
debbie from nj
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