this accidental photo of jane and s was taken at sunset the other day... gives new meaning to the phrase "walking the dog," doesn't it?
it's my 34th birthday and we're still chilling at the lake. we celebrated at dinnertime saturday night with my favorite cake- triple chocolate, what else? i am so predictable. my gram, my little brother and kate, and my folks were here. they gave me lovely jewelry, a cookbook, and what else? chocolate. hey, a gift of chocolate to me is a guaranteed success.
t and i are separately, and in 2 states, preparing for our thursday trip to london. no, no, it's not a fun sightseeing trip this time, but a working trip. he and i are flying separately, then meeting up at the airport. we'll only be there 4 days, and most of that time will be at the STAR WARS CELEBRATION EUROPE where he will be displaying his limited edition star wars print. it will be so nice to see my love again after a couple of weeks apart!
Happy b'day and yes that shot gives new meaning to the term "walking the dog", nice capture.
thanks, sanjay!
Happy Birthday my Friend! That is a great pic.
Happy Birthday, and enjoy London and your lovely T!
Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!!!! I really like the photo of s walking on the doggy! :)
Have fun in London!
Wishing you a hap,hap,happy birthday, dearest Melissa and a wonderful trip to London!!! Love the photo!
thank you, everybody! and to princess, WELCOME! i'll let you know how london was after the fact. i'm sure to have a pile of photos of geeks in star wars suits.
Have a great time in London.
Happy birthday right back atcha - and great photo!
Enjoy your birthday presents and your travels. Can't wait for your photos. Maybe you'll get one of a Klingon walking on a dog-- or some such unlikely thing.
You never mentioned you owned Clifford the Big Red Dog! LOL
I'll be in London for two hours next month...I don't think I'll see much. :(
Have fun in London...try, at least! You owe it to all of us who aren't getting to go!
...and, what a coooooooool picture.
Oh, the timing!
Happy Birthday! What a cool picture, I love it. Have fun meeting your man in London.
cool, the perspective makes the dog look huge.
Wow! on the picture. You probably couldn't have got a better one if you planned it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My belated birthday wish is for a glorius year of delightful surpises (and chocolate.)
Have a good time at the Star Wars Celebration. Much success to t.
Happy Birthday - back to blog world now - looks like a Michigan sunset. We've been a few times this year already - just bloggin around gettin' caught up - the Kabbalah comments had me on the floor!!!
Happy belated birthday! How was London? Loved the pic, isn't it cool when you get pics uploaded and then realize what a cool shot you took without trying :-)
Happy belated birthday! Great picture of the dog, kid and sun! I know you guys enjoyed it.
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