Thursday, March 01, 2007

mr. L

when my kindergarten daughter brought this home from school yesterday, i decided to post it as a shout-out to one of my "oldest" blogfriends mr. l since it obviously reminded me of him. can you imagine why?

well, maybe you can't see the picture clearly enough, but it's of the letter person mr. l... the current letter of interest in her kindy class. the best thing about mr.l (the letter person that is, not the real person)? let me have my daughter explain it:

i asked her if she meant to write "mr. l LICKS lemon lollipops," or "mr. l LIKES lemon lollipops." she said, "both." imagine a world where one written word encompasses two unique and valid thoughts on the subject. that is the world of a kindergartner!

the real mr.l just has a ferociously dry wit, and has had a wee case of blog clog as of late, a case which i've been lamenting. here's wishing him over his ailment, and if you're out there in the blogosphere reading this mr. l--- HEY! keep on writing!


ML said...

I love it that Mr. L both licks and likes lemon lollys. Very cute :)

Secret Pal said...

How precious! You have a future blogger there.

Da Mommy said...

Silly me, I read the third word as 1 min, like 1 minute...all I kept thinking is what is a 1 minute lollipop? LOLOLOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Well...what can I say? Such an honour! (I know you claim it's a kindergarten assignment, but really, it's just your daughter's way of trying to get me back into writing, right?!...LOL!)

I've actually started recording some music lately, which means at least *some* of my artistic clog is starting to clear. There's hope.

hellomelissa said...

ml-- mr. m has a munchy mouth! the list goes on and on.

secret pal-- she may end up being one of those people who SINGS her stories, i don't know.

ally bean-- now you know why i spend a day a week back there! it's truly selfish. i get to finger paint and eat greasy pizza.

da mommy-- it DOES look like 1 min!! ha!

mr.l-- the honor is mine. can you tell i'm clamoring for more stories (as well as my kid)?

Susan in Italy said...

Oh would I love to go back to the time where my job was to free-associate about the letter L and such! Lucky girl.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the old owl commercial for lollipops. The owl licks it til he gets to the bubble gum!

Kids are the cutest when they write or say things!

Beenzzz said...

That so great! I wish I were a kid again and had more time to be creative.

Jay said...

That's adorable. There are so many great things floating around in the mind of a child.

Lotus Reads said...

lol, I love this! This is such a great age, they teach us so much! :)

Heidi said...

Oops, I thought at first the L was going to stand for Loser. My bad.
Very cute post, I am trying to convince my eight year old to let me put some of her art or stories on my blog, but so far she declines.

Unknown said...

How cool to be a kindergartener.

J said...

That's VERY cool. :)