our life theme of late seems to be of a musical nature; music is a central theme not only of our summer, but particularly this week. i only wish i could post audio clips of the songs in which we've been immersed, but i'm not quite sure how to do that. i'll try to find nice links, but that can be a bit of a pain, and it takes you out of the story.
first was the kids'
peter and the wolf dance camp. like an idiot, i forgot the camera for the final performance on friday, but h played a wily wolf, and s was a twittering bird. they enjoyed the week, and will not be in dance again until fall. this music REALLY sticks in your head, and the whole family has been heard humming it for the last few days.
next, we showed h
"west side story" to inspire him for the wolf dance, and to show him how powerful and masculine dance can be. all the next day he was singing the songs and jumping and twirling like the sharks and the jets. i can't get "one hand, one heart" out of my head now, especially sung by the incomparable and uncredited
marni nixon.
t has spent the entire weekend with a bunch of guy friends and an rv at
bonnaroo, listening to acts such as tom petty, beck, elvis costello, and radiohead. he even left me a phone message with tom petty singing "learning to fly"-- my favorite t.p. song. it's apparently extremely hot this weekend over yonder, but it's not stopping anyone from having the road trip of their lives.
my girl is lately in the habit of singing her own songs, all day, day in and day out, everywhere we go. it's unfortunate i can't always stop and listen to the lyrics, because when i do, they're quite interesting. i can never remember them to write down; i should probably get the camcorder out and record for posterity.
not to mention the musician under our roof, ari. we came home the other night from a date, only to find
the never guys having a band meeting at our house. and ari's writing a soundtrack for a short film... the music he's composing wafts in and out of my brain.
i love to listen to music, i love to sing, but i'm not good at really appreciating music. t can instantly listen to an album and tell you if it will have any successful tracks and which ones they will be. h could listen to the soundtrack to "pee wee's big adventure" at 18 months old and could tell you what part of the film went with the music playing. all this musical ear and talent around me is so enriching! i just wish i knew how to absorb it all.