i do realize that this blog has been rather image-heavy... for those more prone to prose, i apologize! i have always been (and probably ever shall be) a visual person. not to let that undermine the words... spoken, read, or written... as i love them as well! but there's nothing like a great (or even mediocre) photo or illustration to go along with a story, hence my love of children's literature. and my love of a particular illustrator, but i'm not mentioning any names! lately i've been digging jacqueline wilson's kid lit.
anyhow, more photos. i couldn't resist. our three mangy, 3-year old magnolias are blossoming. what's that gardener's saying?? 'first year they weep, second year they creep, and third year they leap'? well, if that's the case, then 3 years is a charm, since they are loaded with blooms. it is sad that only photos can be posted, and that i can't post the delirious lemony fragrance. pure heaven! so here are the buds...
anyhow, more photos. i couldn't resist. our three mangy, 3-year old magnolias are blossoming. what's that gardener's saying?? 'first year they weep, second year they creep, and third year they leap'? well, if that's the case, then 3 years is a charm, since they are loaded with blooms. it is sad that only photos can be posted, and that i can't post the delirious lemony fragrance. pure heaven! so here are the buds...
and the bud just opening...
and the full blown bloom...

I adore Magnolias! Every Fall I promise myself we're going to plant one, but truth be told I don't think I have the space. Our yard was already landscaped when we bought the house and the previous owners made sure they plants, trees and bushes in every square inch of available space. I wish so much they had planted a magnolia tree. I'll just have to enjoy yours for now, Melissa. Thanks for posting the pics!
i envy you the well-planted yard. we have too much wild land, and in the 4 years we've been here are only BEGINNING to tame it. it's overwhelming, and i usually start crying "UNCLE!!!" by about may. the magnolias were put in as a "screen," but deer ate one of them and did plenty of damage to the others (yes, deer eat magnolia). so i'm just glad they're still alive. until the deer eat the remaining 3.
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