Tuesday, March 21, 2006


"Check the guy in the lower left......... that's Bill Gates. Paul Allen, the owner of the Seattle Seahawks with a net worth around $20 billion is on the far right, lower corner!!!"

..this was in my inbox this morning, and i thought it was worth sharing. considering MOST people looked like this in 1978, i'm sure they got plenty of investors. thank god i was 5 in 1978! i don't have any photos of myself looking like this. but let's not even TALK about the 80's. i even had a bi-level harcut, complete with poodle bangs.

must... destroy... photographic... evidence...

1 comment:

Lotus Reads said...

My daughter watches "That'70's Show" every now and again and we all get such a laugh out of the clothes and hairstyles, but fashion-wise, the 80's were far worse! Ugh!